
▶ The Tragic Death of a Man Named Kelly Thomas

Kelly Thomas

Kelly Thomas

I really did not want to rush this story but, if I don’t put some info up now it may never get done. So here it goes. Kelly Thomas was a man that did not have much in life when measured against the yard stick that is Fullerton. He was homeless, schizophrenic, and jobless.

He had been a staple in the community of Fullerton. The community did not feel threatened by him despite his many run ins with the FPD. On July 5, 2011, at about 8:30 PM, officers of the Fullerton Police Department responded to a call from the management of the Slidebar. The call was in regards to a person allegedly checking car doors in the parking lot. The responding officers were Officer Ramos and Officer Wolfe. The approach taken by these 2 so called police officers is nothing short of appalling and completely unacceptable. It used to be that the police operated with respect toward the community, regardless of social condition. In fact it was the destitute and weak that needed and would receive the attention and services of the local police.

Please watch the video below. I must let you know that this is an extremely graphic and horrific situation that I personally have been unable to watch. I heard the audio played and I could not hold back the tears. This event has struck a chord within me and I can no longer remain a spectator in this life. Spreading the word about this event is the bare minimum I can possibly do.

This event took place over 2 years ago and still half the police in the video are still roaming the streets charged with the protection of the people. I really cannot see how the people of Fullerton can actually condone this. If the police happened to be citizens and not officers I do not think anyone would be back on the street or going to work. They would all be locked up in addition because they did not stop the crime.

Remember the police are servants of the people and they should never be allowed to think any different.